The last 18 months have seen very few large-scale oil projects moving from a prospect status into an entire region’s next best thing. The Lake Albert project in Uganda is a rare exception for a year that has seen more oil-doomsaying than new FIDs, however judging by the steady stream of news coming in from the project operator, the French TotalEnergies (formerly known as Total), it is indeed happening. Uganda’s first crude project intended and designed to be marketed globally, in fact, its first hydrocarbon project ever, Lake Albert will produce some 230kbpd once it reaches peak production. Whilst Western economies are arguing whether oil companies should cease all future exploration activity along the IEA’s Net Zero by 2050 scenario, East Africa is shaping up to become one of the hottest exploration frontiers around the world, provided regional states manage their heretofore biggest challenge – guaranteeing the security of […]