Highlights IEA report lacks differentiated approach between developed and developing countries Rapid phasing out of fossil fuels could destabilize energy supply, power grids Changing consumer habits, market mechanisms key to zero carbon China’s energy experts expressed concerns over the International Energy Agency’s net-zero emissions pathway citing the lack of a differentiated approach between developed and developing countries as well as unrealistic milestones to phase out fossil fuels. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now They said the IEA’s ambitious milestones were arduous given China’s continued energy demand growth, coal-dominant electricity system, and yet-to-be-reinforced market mechanisms for electricity and carbon pricing, and suggested a localized approach. “Countries are at different stages of development; they have different energy resources and different population sizes. China is the largest energy producer and energy consumer, but its per capita energy consumption is still small,” Xie Qiuye, Dean of China […]