The first Iranian oil shipment in years reached the U.S. shores in March, Reuters has reported , citing data from the Energy Information Administration. The data showed that more than 1 million barrels of Iranian crude reached the United States two months ago, which, Reuters notes, took place a month after United States authorities seized a tanker carrying Iranian crude. The agency also notes in its report that the previous time the EIA reported Iranian crude in the country’s import mix was last October, again after the U.S. seized an Iranian oil cargo. The shipment that the U.S. detained earlier this year was carried by a Liberian-flagged tanker and was believed to be some 2 million barrels. The grounds for the detainment, as laid out in a forfeiture complaint at a U.S. District Court, were that Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has created a scheme to covertly ship […]