Highlights 2020 in top 10 for temperature, rain, sun Average temperature up nearly a degree Daily rainfall, sunshine records broken In a warning for power markets in the world’s fifth largest economy, evidence of climate change in the UK is growing with 2020 the first year to see temperature, rain and sunshine rankings all in the top 10 on record, the Met Office said July 29. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now The UK’s ten warmest years in records dating back to 1884 have all occurred since 2002, the office said, referencing The Royal Meteorological Society’s annual report in the International Journal of Climatology. “Average temperatures for the UK continue to climb, with nearly a degree of warming when comparing the most recent 30 years with the preceding 30-year period,” said lead author and Senior Climate Scientist at the Met Office, Mike Kendon. […]