Highlights Project to produce 3.5 million mt/year green hydrogen Partners in project are CWP, Mirning Green Energy InterContinental Energy plans to build a 50 GW Western Australia renewable energy hub dedicated to green hydrogen production by 2030, the company told S&P Global Platts July 12. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now According to Brendan Hammond, chairman of the board of the Western Green Energy Hub (WGEH) and a senior executive in InterContinental, the huge project should be seen in the context of an estimated global renewable hydrogen market of $2.5 trillion by 2050. Detailed resource evaluation is taking place under license across the project’s proposed 15,000 square km site in southeast Western Australia. The plan is to build capacity in stages so that by 2030 the project’s electrolyzers will be producing some 3.5 million mt/year of renewable hydrogen, which would be converted to […]