China almost halved its gasoline exports in July from the previous month to 741,000 mt, with Singapore still the top destination at 443,000 mt, detailed data released by the General Administration of Customs showed Aug. 20. Not registered? Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now While Singapore remained the biggest recipient, volumes there hit a 13-month low in July, falling 29.4% from June to 627,000 mt. Still, over the first seven months of the year Singapore took about 4.63 million mt of China’s gasoline outflows, or 44.9% of the total. This compares with 52% of the total, or 4.7 million mt, in the same period last year. Over the first seven months of the year, China exported 10.31 million mt of gasoline to overseas markets, up 14.5% year on year. The bulk of those incremental volumes headed for Pakistan and Indonesia. Pakistan imported 853,000 […]