China’s crude imports fell 19.6% year on year to 9.75 million b/d in July, General Administration of Customs preliminary data released Aug. 7 showed. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now The inflow was also down 0.6% from 9.81 million b/d imported in June. GAC releases data in metric tons, which S&P Global Platts converts to barrels using a 7.33 conversion factor. On a metric ton basis, the July imports rose 2.8% on the month to 41.24 million mt. Total crude imports over the first seven months of the year fell 5.6% year on year to 301.83 million mt, or 10.44 million b/d, GAC data showed, extending a drop of around 3% over the first six months of the year. China’s oil product exports fell 28% month on month to 4.64 million mt in July due to a quota shortage, despite 44.3% year-on-year growth […]