Highlights Oil output has plummeted to below 100,000 b/d TotalEnergies, OMV players in Yemen Petsec Energy could restart soon Yemen’s oil and gas industry could be at a crossroads after six years of brutal civil war, with the US attempting to broker a peace deal that will be critical to reviving the decimated sector. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now Yemen has never been a major oil producer, particularly relative to its Arab and Persian neighbors, but it pumped more than 400,000 b/d in the early 2000s, bringing much needed revenue to the region’s poorest economy. Since 2015, however, output has plummeted to below 100,000 b/d and will average about 57,000 b/d this year, according to S&P Global Platts Analytics. The fractured country has seen fighting between coalition forces and Iranian-backed Houthi rebels intensify in the oil and gas rich Marib region, the […]