Germany’s coronavirus caseload took its biggest jump in two weeks on Thursday, with over 28,000 new infections, the Robert Koch Institute said, adding heft to worries about restrictions this winter. The number of new infections per 100,000 people over seven days – one of the metrics used to determine policy measures – stands at 130.2, up 12.2 points from 118.0 the previous day. New infections have been steadily creeping up since mid-October. The number of COVID-19 patients in intensive care units (ICUs) has risen 15% within a week, the head of the German Hospital Federation (DKG), Gerald Gass, told the Redaktionsnetwork Deutschland media group. If the trend continues, he said, there could be 3,000 cases in the ICU in two weeks. “Even if the hospitals could handle it, it would not be possible without constraints on normal operations,” Gass said. SPD health expert Karl […]