Highlights ‘Closely monitoring’ gas, LNG markets amid record prices in Europe, Asia LNG helping Asia energy transition but not enough for net zero emissions A few million mt/year global hydrogen supply possible by 2030 Global oil demand is set to recover to its pre-pandemic level toward the end of 2022, supported by demand growth in Asia, and increase for “several more years to come” without additional major government policy changes, the head of the International Energy Agency told S&P Global Platts. Not registered? Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now “Global oil demand is expected to return to pre-COVID levels towards the tail end of 2022, but the recovery will be uneven. Asia is clearly the driver of growth,” IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol said in a written interview with Platts during the Tokyo “Beyond Zero” Week hosted by Japan. “By the end of […]

Posted in: IEA