Germany is facing a ban of combustion-vehicle sales before the end of the decade — that’s if the home of Volkswagen AG is serious about hitting the new government’s targets on battery-powered cars and climate protection. The incoming coalition of pro-business Free Democrats, center-left Social Democrats and environmental Greens plans to have at least 15 million fully electric vehicles on Germany’s roads by the end of the decade. Reaching such a goal, also vital to meeting Germany’s international commitments on slashing greenhouse gases, would require ending sales of combustion-engine cars in just a few years. “It can only be achieved if new cars with internal combustion engines are no longer registered before 2030,” said Volker Quaschning, professor of renewable energy systems at the University of Applied Sciences in Berlin. “It makes sense to stop the registration of gasoline and diesel cars by around 2028.” So far, only 570,000 pure […]