As if rising sea levels and fiercer cyclones weren’t enough to worry about, the climate crisis is already cutting crop yields and could lead to widespread food shortages. That’s the grave warning from the United Nations, which cautions that farmers may not meet a projected 50% increase in demand by 2050 if greenhouse gas emissions stay high. In a special episode of the Stephanomics podcast, host Stephanie Flanders tackles how to feed almost 10 billion people, which is the projected population of the planet in three decades. She turns to four leaders in global agriculture at Bloomberg’s New Economy Forum in Singapore for insight. Technology will play a starring role, says Werner Baumann, chairman of German healthcare and agricultural giant Bayer AG. One Bayer project involves developing “short-stature” corn that resists stalk breakage and can be planted more densely. Cargill Inc. Chairman David MacLennan insists genetically modified organisms must […]