Russia will continue to meet its contractual gas supply obligations with its European customers, the Kremlin said Nov. 12, after Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko hinted Nov. 11 that Minsk could consider blocking the transit of Russian gas to Europe. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now Cited by the Prime news agency, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peksov also said the Belarus stance was not discussed ahead of time with Moscow. “This was not coordinated in any way. [Belarus] is our ally but it is a sovereign state,” Peskov said. “This is a statement by the president of Belarus. I’d like to remind you of President [Vladimir] Putin’s statement that Russia has always fulfilled its obligations under contracts,” he said. “Russia was, is, and will be a country that fulfills all obligations to provide European consumers with gas and to fulfil contractual obligations,” he said in […]