High decline rates, and a falling number of DUCs could incentivize drillers to ramp up drilling in the first half of 2022 Land drillers have lagged the rest of the recovery, but could already be on the uptick Drilling contractors and equipment suppliers tilted toward drilling could be set to profit from the ramp-up in activity among E&Ps WTI and Brent proved how closely tied oil prices are to perceptions about the economic recovery over the last couple of weeks. For a time breaking down as much as 20% from their respective highs over the last month, WTI and Brent both bottomed Wednesday, Dec 1st. News that the Omicron variant might not be as lethal as the still dominant Delta version, breathed new life into oil futures and thus far sparking a 10% rebound. As usual, shares find downward momentum easier than the reverse, so we are still clawing […]