Solar power costs in the best Asia Pacific locations are already cheap enough for $2/kg green hydrogen production or lower, Philippe Malbranche, assistant director-general of International Solar Alliance, told delegates at Reuters’ Energy Transition Asia Pacific event Dec. 1. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now Power inputs make up two-thirds of the price of renewable hydrogen produced via electrolysis, with solar and wind costs holding the key to achieving cost parity with conventional hydrogen. “Depending on the country, location and irradiation, you can reach a [solar output] price of $0.01-$0.1.2/kWh,” Malbranche said. Now the onus is on getting the cost of the electrolyzer down in order to obtain renewable hydrogen in the range of $1.5-$2/kg, according to Malbranche. “One-third [of the cost of hydrogen production] is coming from the electrolyzer that’s why we still have to improve a lot of the economics of […]