Highlights EU envoy urges sides to ‘pick up the pace’ in eighth round Platts Analytics predicts interim deal, partial sanctions relief No-deal scenario will test global spare capacity in mid-2022 An eighth round of the Iran nuclear talks would start Dec. 27 as the US turns up the pressure to break a stalemate that represents a top oil supply risk for 2022. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now EU envoy Enrique Mora said Dec. 23 that the next round would “define the way ahead,” adding that it was “important to pick up the pace on key outstanding issues and move forward, working closely with the US.” S&P Global Platts Analytics now assumes the sides will reach an interim deal to freeze Iran’s nuclear development and lift some US sanctions, increasing Iranian oil supply by an estimated 700,000 b/d from April to December. That […]