Highlights Armed unit within PFG closes key fields and terminal Analysts expect Dec 24 elections to be delayed Output likely to be volatile in coming weeks Libya’s key southwestern oil fields of Sharara and Hamada, and the 300,000 b/d Zawiya oil terminal, have been shut down after a blockade by a unit of the Petroleum Facilities Guards, sources close to the matter said Dec. 20. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now An armed group affiliated with the PFG has closed the oil fields and the pipeline, which connects into the Zawiya oil terminal, due to a dispute with state-owned National Oil Corp. Sources said a unit within the western division of the PFG has been unhappy with the recent reshuffle of senior management at Akakus Oil Operations. NOC subsidiary Akakus Oil Operations operates the 300,000 b/d Sharara field, which was producing 265,000 b/d […]