Calcasieu Pass has 18 liquefaction trains with a combined peak capacity of 1.6 bcfd. US liquefied natural gas (LNG) export capacity has grown rapidly since the Lower 48 states first began exporting LNG in February 2016. In 2020, the US became the world’s third-largest LNG exporter, after Australia and Qatar. Once the new LNG liquefaction units (trains) at Sabine Pass and Calcasieu Pass in Louisiana are put into service by end 2022, the US will have the world’s largest LNG export capacity, the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) said. According to announced project plans, the following newly added LNG export capacity will come online by end 2022: Train 6 at the Sabine Pass LNG export facility. Train 6 will add up to 0.76 bcfd of peak export capacity. It began producing LNG in late November. The first export cargo from the train is expected to be shipped before end […]

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