Highlights Midland, Texas low temperature forecast to dip below 20F Waha cash price falls 83 cents on Jan 20 to $3.86/MMBtu Balmo, February forwards markets price in Waha premium Low temperatures across West Texas are forecast to dip well below freezing from Jan. 20 to Jan. 23, potentially bringing wellhead freeze-offs and gas production curtailments to the Permian Basin. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now An updated forecast for Jan. 20 showed temperatures in Midland, Texas dipping to about 22 degrees Fahrenheit overnight, followed by a subsequent drop to just 19 degrees from Jan. 21 to Jan. 22. Subfreezing temperatures, which hit West Texas earlier this month, have often been associated with gas production declines in the Permian, either from voluntary curtailments or wellhead freeze-offs. Last winter’s now infamous polar vortex event, which brought sub-zero temperatures to the Permian, triggered a historic price […]