Highlights Average daily storage withdrawals over 1 TWh lower YoY Inventory 26 TWh lower than 2021 levels Tanks less than 47% full

Warmer-than-average temperatures and strong pipeline gas imports from Norway have resulted in German gas storage withdrawals remaining subdued for the period Jan. 1-15, compared to a year earlier, as uncertainty over the future of Russian supply lingers. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now Temperatures in Germany have started the year eight degrees Celsius higher and have continued to trend mostly above the seasonal norm, according to data from Custom Weather. Storage withdrawals have eased significantly in the period Jan.1-15 to record a 44% decline compared to the same period in 2021. German gas storage withdrawals for the first 15 days had averaged 1.39 TWh/d, with cumulative withdrawals amounting to just below 21 TWh in total, according to the latest estimates from […]