The feedstock imports for China’s independent refineries fell by 4.3% to 16.38 million mt in January from the 11-month high in December 2021, latest data compiled by S&P Global Platts showed Feb. 10. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now Feedstock imports comprise crude, bitumen blend and fuel oil. Pure crude imports, which are required to utilize crude import quotas, amounted to 15.3 million mt last month, down 6.4% from 16.37 million mt in December 2021. The robust feedstock demand from the mega refineries continued to be key in sustaining these imports in January. Combined crude imports by Hengli Petrochemical (Dalian) Refinery and Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical rose 11.2% on the month to 5.18 million mt from 4.66 million mt in December. Hengli increased imports by 42.1% on the month to 2.08 million mt in January after receiving its new quota for 2022, while […]