Mexico leads with 40% of US product imports in Nov Strong summer demand, heatwaves lift tender activity US refined product exports to Latin America have returned to pre-pandemic levels, and market sources expect more of the same as the strong summer demand and heatwaves have increased tender activity. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now Market sources said Feb. 2 that it feels like pandemic worries are weighing less on product import activity, despite high outright prices and heavily backwardated markets like diesel. “The pandemic is still around, but it is summertime,” a Latin America trading source said. “Everyone is going out, traveling, vacation, etc. Consequently, the volume is probably back to pre-pandemic levels.” The S&P Global Platts import parity price for Brazil ULSD rose 75 cents Feb. 2 to $114.69/b, the highest since Platts started calculating the import parity […]