Highlights Vienna talks remain top global oil supply risk in 2022 Platts Analytics sees interim deal returning 700,000 b/d The US-Iran talks remain far from certain to reach a deal for restarting nuclear controls and removing major oil sanctions, despite the recent US move to grant some sanctions relief to Tehran’s civil nuclear program, analysts said. Not registered? Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now The negotiations have been the top oil supply risk for 2022, with an interim deal potentially increasing exports by 700,000 b/d while a breakdown in talks could spike geopolitical tensions and global oil prices, according to S&P Global Platts Analytics. Paul Sheldon, Platts Analytics senior geopolitical adviser, said Feb. 6 that the talks could easily continue for months. “The US continues to voice urgency and the need for a diplomatic solution within weeks, but we suspect far more patience […]