Tight supply and rising demand lifted weekly margins across the globe with US Atlantic Coast margins showing the impact of the massive cold front and storm which swept in over the weekend, an analysis from S&P Global Platts showed on Jan. 31. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now USAC temperatures have been in and out of the midteens for the past few weeks, prior to the blizzard dropping varying amounts of snow along the seaboard over the weekend, resulting in 23 inches of snow in Boston. The persistent cold weather in the USAC has increased oil demand, with 25%-30% of all USAC power generation being produced by oil, according to market sources, as the cold weather has increased demand for natural gas. With Mid-Atlantic and New England distillate inventories holding just above all-time lows, January fuel oil imports into the USAC averaged 139,000 […]