Highlights Cold snap supports distillate demand USAC diesel stocks hit eight-month low Crude stocks fall 1.05 million barrels US distillate inventories moved lower for a third straight week in the seven days ended Jan. 28, US Energy Information Administration data showed Feb. 2, as winter weather supported demand. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now Nationwide distillate inventories fell 2.41 million barrels to 122.74 million barrels, EIA said, putting them nearly 19% behind the five-year average for this time of year. USAC temperatures have been in and out of the midteens for the past few weeks, raising natural gas prices and pushing electric utilities to increase their oil consumption. The low temperatures have seen as much as 25%-30% of USAC power generation being produced by oil, according to market sources. USAC combined low and ultra-low sulfur diesel stocks are now 28% below the five-year […]