Pressure on global agriculture markets is growing as the Russia-Ukraine conflict enters its third week as prolonged hostilities could force grain and oilseed buyers that rely on the two major Black Sea producers to look elsewhere for their supplies. Not registered? Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now The disruption of supplies from the region have given rise to concerns over food inflation, especially while global cereal and oilseed prices are at all-time highs. The two countries account for around 26% of global wheat exports. Russia has exported 26 million mt of wheat to date in marketing year 2021-22 (July-June), accounting for 80% of the US Department of Agriculture’s estimate for the year, and Ukraine 18 million mt, accounting for 90% of the USDA’s estimate. The USDA also expects Ukraine to supply 13% of global corn outflows for the year. It has exported nearly […]