Coal-fired power plant outages come amid low LNG stocks Spot electricity price surges on power plant outages All units at ENEOS’ Sendai, Chiba refineries shut A magnitude 7.4 earthquake occurred offshore Fukushima in northeastern Japan late March 16, shutting a dozen coal, gas and oil-fired power plants along with the Sendai refinery in the region, as well as a Chiba refinery in Tokyo Bay. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now Japanese power and oil industry sources said March 17 that they are still assessing impact from the earthquake-led shutdowns of power plants and refineries on fuels and refined products as there’s no clarity on when these facilities would restart. The power plant outages come at a time when Japan is still in the midst of the winter power demand season, with the northeastern region continuing to experience relatively cold weather. It also […]