Highlights Storage survey shows 70 Bcf weekly net build expected June 11-17 power burn highest for that week since 2012 NYMEX Henry Hub prompt falls to 7-week low June 21 The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) is expected to report a 70 Bcf injection to US gas storage for the week ended June 17, according to a survey of analysts by S&P Global Commodity Insights. Above-average gas-fired power demand has likely diverted some excess gas supply from the Freeport LNG outage away from storage toward power generators, leading to a below-average build. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now Responses to the survey were reported in a wider range this week with expected injections ranging from 48 Bcf to 96 Bcf. The EIA plans to release its weekly storage report at 10:30 am ET on June 23. A 70 Bcf weekly injection would dramatically […]