Soy crushing plants reduce operations amid sharp losses China’s soybean demand projections revised down for August But soybean oil entering stronger demand season in the month The operating rate at soybean crushing plants in China slumped to a year-to-date low of 53.5% at the start of August amid prolonged negative crush margins and replacement margins, prompting crushers to reduce soybean purchases and cut operating rates at plants, leading to a fall in soybean prices, market sources said Aug. 5 Not registered? Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now Over January-May, crushers were able to achieve positive replacement margins of Yuan 100-500/mt by selling spot cargoes of soybean meal and oil in China’s domestic market, according to brokers. However, the replacement margin for spot trading has fallen below the breakeven level since June, driven by rapid falls in soybean oil prices as rival palm […]