From where do you want your oil, TransCanada asks
Keystone XL planner TransCanada says project is fundamentally about the source of North American crude oil imports. Photo courtesy TransCanada CALGARY, Alberta, Nov. 5 (UPI) — The fundamental question over the Keystone XL debate is whether to use domestic oil or oil imported from Venezuela or the Middle East, TransCanada said. TransCanada asked the U.S. State Department to pause the review process for the Keystone XL pipeline while it waits for route decisions from Nebreaska’s government. The State Department refused the request . Mark Cooper , a spokesman for the company, said in an emailed statement TransCanada would continue to focus on building the pipeline. "The fundamental question remains: Do Americans want to continue to import millions of barrels of oil every day from the Middle East and Venezuela or do they want to get their oil from North Dakota and Canada through Keystone XL?" he said. "We believe […]