Federal lawmakers unveiled a new bill Tuesday in the latest attempt to tackle the plastic pollution crisis by shifting waste and recycling costs away from governments and on to companies. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now Besides shifting the costs, The Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act of 2020 bill aims creates a nation-wide container deposit system. The bill, introduced by Representative Alan Lowenthal, Democrat-California, and Senator Tom Udall, Democrat-New Mexico, is co-sponsored by more than two dozen House members and five additional Senators. So far, no Republicans have endorsed the bill. Udall cited increasing public concern over plastic pollution, environmental and human health, and climate change as motivations for the bill. “The plastic pollution crisis is past the tipping point: our communities, our waterways, and even our bodies are at risk,” said Udall. “We are already bearing the cleanup costs […]

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