China purchased more wheat from US farmers in the week ended Dec. 31, 2020, continuing the country’s buying spree for the eighth straight week, and indicating that US wheat exports to China are expected to remain strong in the coming weeks. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now China booked 55,371 mt of US wheat in the week to Dec. 31, purchasing about 259,800 mt of wheat in the past eight weeks, data from the US Department of Agriculture showed Jan. 7. China’s total commitments for US wheat in the 2020-21 marketing season have now reached 2.4 million mt, a seven-year high, according to the data. Of that volume, China already has shipped in 1.7 million mt of US wheat, accounting for 20% of imports estimated for the country in 2020-21, USDA’s forecast data showed. In November, China’s wheat imports from […]