Wildfire season has lengthened to nearly year-round Southern California major fires have decreased Dry start to 2022 increasing drought outlook The lack of moisture at the start of the year is setting the stage for the possibility of another intense wildfire season across the Western US this year, an AccuWeather forecaster said during a Feb. 25 United States Energy Association media briefing. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now As climate change has been lengthening the wildfire season leading to more severe fires and damage, it is also having an impact on the shortening of the wet season, said Paul Pastelok, AccuWeather lead long-range forecaster. “We do feel the drought, with confidence, will be a large area of the West,” Pastelok said. “I do think the drought will come on strong given the recent weather. … That sets up for a moderate, maybe […]